interests grishaverse, riordanverse, red white & royal blue, taylor swift, boygenius (& solos), abba, the s&b cast, florence pugh, little women, mamma mia!, new girl, psych, good omens, heartstopper, + more

kinlist jo march, jesper fahey, charlie spring, alina starkov, zoya nazyalensky, inej ghafa, james potter, percy jackson, magnus chase, alex claremont diaz, adora (spop), charlie dalton, sokka (atla)

likes cats, books, writing, summertime, pillsbury orange rolls, astrology & tarot

dislikes taking tests, my mom lol, confrontation, milk, living in the midwest

before you follow rt heavy, sarcasm, swearing, occasional tone indicators (lmk if u want me to use them more!)

do not follow under 14, basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist, abelist, transphobic, etc), jkr supporters, darklinas/darkling stans, gaylor, if ur gonna hate on the stuff i like

moots <3 isa, lolo, isa, sommer, kels, sof, aya, char, eudi, shaili, wybie, ellie, naerys - ily guys!!